František Slamka
    Vydavate¾ / Publisher / Herausgeber

Pyraloidea of Europe, volume 4 / Phycitinae - Part 1
Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology

František Slamka, 2019

Price: 100,- EURO
Language: English only
Date of issue: October 2019

The present volume comprises short descriptions and illustrations of 207 species of the subfamily Phycitinae (Cryptoblabini and a part of Phycitini) occurring in Europe and adjacent countries: North Africa, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Northern Iraq and Northern Iran as well as Kazakhstan; a few species are also included from Afghanistan and Northern China. Brief information on the imago, habitat and species biology are given along with notes on similar species, distributional maps and genitalia for almost all the species. Many taxonomic changes are introduced, including new synonyms and a number of new species (16) and genera (12) are described.

16,8 x 23,5 cm, 432 pp.; Hardcover; 207 species; 175 B&W plates of genitalia (more than 600 photographs) of each species (males & females); 31 colour plates with more than 900 images of moths.


Pyraloidea of Europe, volume 3 / Pyraustinae & Spilomelinae
Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology

František Slamka, 2013

Price: 80,- EURO
Language: English only
Date of issue: October 2013

The present atlas comprises illustrations and characteristics of 220 species of the subfamilies Pyraustinae and Spilomelinae occurring in Europe and adjacent countries (Turkey, partly N Africa, Transcaucasia and partly Transcaspia). Brief data about imago, species biology, habitat, distributional maps, similar species and genitalia of almost all the species are given. New synonyms have been estabilished, new subspecies, species, one subgenus and one genus are described.

16,8 x 23,5 cm, 357 pp.; Hardcover; 220 species; 133 plates of genitalia of each species(males & females); 31 colour plates with almost 1100 images of moths.


Pyraloidea of Central Europe / Pyraloidea Mitteleuropas
Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology / Bestimmung - Verbreitung - Habitat - Bionomie

František Slamka, 2010, reprint (updated)

Price: 50,- EURO
Language: bi-lingual - English / German

The present work comprises the description and photographs of practically 420 species of Superfamily Pyraloidea known or recorded from Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia). Their occurrences have also been noted in Romania and Western Ukraine. The entry for each species includes information on the geographical distribution and habitats of the moths, the ecology of the caterpillar and further points of interest. Two synonyms are established: Euzopherodes nigrolineella (Zerny, 1936) syn. rev. and Ostrinia maysalis, Leraut, 2012 syn. nov. The text is supplemented with 53 tables showing some 950 figures and 12 colour plates with 685 illustrated life-size specimens of moths.
In diesem Atlas sind 420 Arten der Überfamilie Pyraloidea, soweit sie in Mitteleuropa bekannt sind oder verzeichnet wurden, beschrieben und nach Farbaufnahmen abgebildet (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Polen, Tschechische Republik, Slowakei, Ungarn und Slowenien). Erwähnt wird auch ihr allfälliges Vorkommen in Rumänien und der Westukraine. Bei jeder Art sind geographische Verbreitung, Beschreibungen des Lebensraums der Falter, Lebensweise der Raupe und sonstige Besonderheiten vermerkt. Zwei Synonyme werden etabliert: Euzopherodes nigrolineella (Zerny, 1936) syn. rev. und Ostrinia maysalis, Leraut, 2012 syn. nov. Den Text ergänzen 53 Tafeln mit fast 950 Zeichnungen und 12 Tafeln mit 685 Farbaufnahmen von Zünslerfaltern in natürlicher Grösse.

16 x 23,5 cm, 178 pp., Softcover


Pyraloidea of Europe, volume 2 / Crambinae & Schoenobiinae
Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology

František Slamka, 2008

Price: 60,- EURO
Language: English

The present atlas comprises illustrations and characteristics of 187 European species of the subfamilies Crambinae and Schoenobiinae. Data on species biology, habitat and distribution with colour photographs and illustrations of the all genitalia are given. Schematic distribution maps for each species have been drawn, new synonyms and new status of taxa included.

16,8 x 23,5 cm, 224 pp.; Hardcover; 187 species; 51 plates of genitalia of each species(males & females); 24 colour plates with more than 650 images of moths.


The Noctuids of Central Europe
Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology

Janusz Nowacki,1998 (reprint 2009)

Price: 50,- EURO
Language: English

In the book, the taxonomic system follows the review of European Noctuidae by Nowacki and Fibiger (1996) with some minor arrangements. Finally 597 species of noctuids, known from Central Europe, have been presented. Information concerning the species distribution in Central Europe, the flight period of adult moths (a generalized time span has been given because of certain differences in the flight period between the northern and southern parts of Central Europe), the habitats and the host plants of the larvae has been presented in the short characteristics of the species. Adult moths have been presented in 24 colour tables. The line drawings of male and female genitalia were included to the most of the species.

Size 23,5 x 16,5 cm, Hardcover, 144 pages, 24 colour plates of adults, 41 plates of genitalia


Tortricidae of the Palaearctic Region
Volume 1
General Part and Tortricini

Józef Razowski, 2008

Price: 70,- EURO
Language: English

The series "Tortricidae of the Palaearctic Region" will consist of six volumes. Volume one comprises the introduction, examining the tortricid fauna of the Palaearctic in a world context. It contains a brief history of studies on Tortricidae; details on morphology, biology, faunistics, distribution and zoogeography; and a review of characteristics of the non-Palaearctic tribes. A phylogeny and classification is proposed, with a list of all known family-level taxa. Illustrations are provided in support of the text for all chapters, along with colour figures of representatives of each tortricid tribe. The systematic part of volume one is devoted to Tortricini, with a review of the characteristics of the subfamily Tortricinae. For each of the 164 Palaearctic species treated, the following features are provided: synonymy, type locality, critical references, diagnosis, and description, including genitalia and data on early stages, biology, habitats, and food plants. Remarks also are given on distribution and zoogeographic affinity. Adults are illustrated in colour, with multiple images of species that exhibit considerable variation. Line drawings of the male and female genitalia of all known species are provided.

Size 30 x 21,5 cm, Hardcover, 152 pages, 8 colour plates of adults, 26 plates of genitalia


Tortricidae of the Palaearctic Region
Volume 2

Józef Razowski, 2009

Price: 70,- EURO
Language: English

This volume is entirely devoted to the tribe Cochylini. The general data on the family Tortricidae of the Palaearctic in a world context comprises volume one of this series. This volume includes the characteristics of Cochlini and the systematic part. For each of the 349 species treated the following features are provided: synonymies, type localities, critical references, diagnosis and description, including genitalia and data on early stages, biology, habitats, and food plants. Remarks also are given on distribution and zoogeographic affinity. Adults are illustrated in colour. Line drawigs of the male and female genitalia are provided.

Size 30 x 21,5 cm, Hardcover, 200 pages, 8 colour plates of adults, 37 plates of genitalia


Pyraloidea of Europe, vol. 1 / Pyraloidea Europas, Bd. 1
Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology
Bestimmung - Verbreitung - Habitat - Bionomie

František Slamka, 2006 (reprint 2010)

Price: 50,- EURO
Language: bi-lingual - English / German

The present atlas comprises illustrations and descriptions of 117 European species of the subfamilies Pyralinae, Galleriinae, Epipaschiinae, Cathariinae and Odontiinae. Data on species biology, habitat and distribution with colour photographs or drawings of moths and for problematic species, illustrations of the genitalia. Schematic distribution maps for each species have been drawn and new combinations and synonyms of taxons included.

16,8 x 23,5 cm, 138 pp.; Hardcover; 117 species; 11 plates of genitalia (males & females);
16 colour plates with more than 500 images of moths.


Die Oecophoridae s. l. (Lepidoptera) Mitteleuropas
Bestimmung - Verbreitung - Habitat - Bionomie

Zdenko Tokár, Alexandr Lvovsky, Peter Huemer, 2005

Price: 40,- EURO
Language: German

The Oecophoridae s.l., including the families Chimabachidae, Oecophoridae, Amphisbatidae and Depressariidae partim (Orophiini and Cacochroini), of central Europe are illustrated and data on biology, habitat and distribution are given. Altogether 109 species are treated, 86 occurring in the area of central Europe (Germany, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and parts of The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia-Montenegro, Rumania, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania) and further 23 species in the adjacent countries. The atlas contains figures of almost all species in colour and black-and-white drawings of male and female genitalia.

16,8 x 23,5 cm, 120 pp.; Hardcover; 109 species; 27 plates of genitalia (males & females of all species); 15 colour plates with 315 images of moths.


Die Tagfalter Mitteleuropas - östlicher Teil
Bestimmung, Biotope und Bionomie, Verbreitung, Gefährdung

František Slamka, 2004

Price: 20,- EURO
Language: German

Complete detailed colour guide of butterflies of Central Europe - eastern part (Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Carpathiansukraine, Austria (partially). Determination of species, Habitats and Bionomy, Distribution, Threatened species.

Unser Atlas ist nicht nur auf das Gebiet der Slowakei beschränkt, sondern umfasst auch die Fauna von Böhmen, Mähren, Polen, Ungarn und Karpatenukraine. Auch die Verbreitung der angeführten Arten in Österreich findet Erwähnung. Der Leser erhält in die Hände eine vollständige Fauna der Tagfalter dieser Länder einschließlich der Arten, welche dort verzeichnet, aber später nicht bestätigt wurden oder ausgestorben sind. Im Atlas werden somit mehr als 200 Schmetterlingsarten erwähnt, von welchen 195 eingehender bearbeitet wurden. Außer den Informationen über die Lebensweise (Bionomie) und die geographischen Verbreitung werden die Unterscheidungsmerkmale der ähnlichen Arten, ferner die Bedrohung und der Schutz der Falter, die jetzt recht aktuell sind, betont. Die Texte werden mit Federzeichnungen der Unterscheidungsmerkmale und mit Abbildungen der Schmetterlinge aus der Natur vervollständigt. Am Schluss findet man auf Farbtafeln alle erwähnten Arten abgebildet.

12, 3 x 17 cm, 288 pp.; Hardcover; 195 species; more than 400 (193 species) images of butterflies in natural, lifelike poses; 104 line drawings of genitalia and habitus; 60 colour plates with more than 1050 images of butterflies from collections.


Male genitalia of butterflies on Balkan peninsula with a check-list (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea)

Predrag Jakšiæ, 1998

Price: 10,- EURO
Language: English

152 pp. incl. 115 b/w plates of male genitalia, 169 x 235 mm, Hardcover

A survey of species, subspecies and their synonymy of the butterflies on the Balkan peninsula is given. In total 289 species and 339 subspecies were established. More than 800 pen-and-ink drawings of male genitalia and some other structures arranged in 115 plates are shown.


Iconographia tribus Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) regionis Palaearcticae

Dalibor Povolný, 2002

Price: 35,- EURO
Language: German

This atlas is the iconography of the Palaearctic species of the tribe Gnorimoschemini (family Gelechiidae). Altogether about 340 individual taxa belonging to 24 genera (with the exception of Caryocolum) are figured in colour. Each species is briefly described including its distribution, ecology and additional notes. This monographic work is the first attempt to sumarize the present knowledge of a monophyletic group of the gelechiid moths within Palaearctic Region.

216 pp. incl. 87b/w pls. of genitalia, 16 colour pls. (excelent aquarels painted by František Gregor), about 200 species, 210 x 297 mm, Hardcover


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LIST OF AVAILABLE BOOKS: Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, other books