František Slamka
    Vydavateľ / Publisher / Herausgeber

Die Blatthornkäfer (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) Mitteleuropas
Bestimmung - Verbreitung - Ökologie

Marek Bunalski, 1999

Price: 27,- EURO

Language: German

80 pp. incl. 17 b/w pls. of genitalia, 13 colour pls.; 205 species in 280 figs. 170 x 235 mm, Paperback

In diesem Atlas sind fast 210 Arten der Überamilie Scarabaeoidea, soweit sie in "Mitteleuropa" bekannt sind oder verzeichnet wurden, beschrieben und nach Farbaufnahmen abgebildet (Deutschland, S.-Litauen, W.-Weissrussland, W.-Ukraine, NW.-Rumänien, Österreich, Polen, Tschechische Republik, Slowakei und Ungarn). Bei jeder Art ist die geographische Verbreitung, der Standort, die Lebensweise und sonstige Besonderheit vermerkt. Den Text ergänzen 18 Tafeln mit fast 450 Zeichnungen und 16 Tafeln mit 300 Farbaufnahmen von Blatthornkäfer.


Brouci České a Slovenské republiky / Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics

Hůrka K., 2017

Price: 40,- EURO

Czech / English

70 colour plates, 390 pp. 180 x 250 mm, Tvrdá väzba / Hardback

Kniha zahrnuje barevná vyobrazení více než 800 druhů brouků zastupujících všech 101 čeledí vyskytujících se v České a Slovenské republice. Všechny čeledi jsou krátce charakterizovány a jsou představeni jejich typičtí a zajímaví středoevropští zástupci. Čtenář se seznámí s jejich stručným popisem, způsobem života, stanovištěm, hojností výskytu, rozšířením a vztahem k lidské společnosti.

The book contains colour illustrations of more than 800 species of beetles representing all the 101 families occurring in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Each family is briefly characterised, and its typical and interesting central European members are introduced. The information includes for each species a short description, biology, biotope, abundance, distribution and relation to human society.


Atlas of the Cerambycidae of Europe and Mediterranean area. Part 1. Northern and Central Europe

Sama G., 2002

Price: 120,- EURO


36 colour plates with 729 photographs, 173 pp., 214 x 300 mm, Hardrback

The aim of this project on European and Mediterranean Cerambycidae is to provide both professional and amateur entomologists with a tool to help in the recognition of this important group of phytophagous insects. The following information is provided for each species: range, biology, host plants and flight period. Where necessary, the following paragraphs are also given: Remarks, where nomenclatural and taxonomic problems or changes are discussed; Variability, where the main infraspecific variations are briefly discussed, including sexual dimorphism when important for identification; Type material, where a short description of lectotype and/or paralectotype is provided when designated in the present volume. Original keys are presented to facilitate identification of western Palaearctic species of some genera. Three new taxa are described, lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for eight taxa, and 13 new synonymes are proposed. One or more photographs are provided for each species: usually a typical male, sometimes both sexes if distinctly and significantly dimorphic, or the most important forms of polymorphic species.


All rights reserved. No part of these colour plates may be reproduced, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the authors and publisher.
Racianska 61, SK-831 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail:
LIST OF AVAILABLE BOOKS: Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, other books